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MBS EN Utility


The MBS EN Utility was created in 2019 to support the development of MBSApp. It was critical to updating the MBSApp database when changes were made to the schedule.

The tool used a custom data format. It arranged the MBS into Explanatory Notes, MBS Items, Practice Points, Category Metadata, and Worksets.

Changes to the MBS or explanatory notes published by the Department of Health were parsed by MBS EN Utility, which then automatically looked for inconsistencies between the new and existing data. Many of these changes could be merged automatically without user interaction. Changes that required review were presented to the user with the differences highlighted.

The MBS EN Utility allowed for items to be arranged into Worksets so that sub-selections of items could be reviewed and edited in isolation. Worksets could be used to select a subset of items based on complex queries across many different item characteristics. For example, "all items numbered between X and Y, with content that matches a given regex pattern".

