
The following tools were developed between 2018 and 2019 as solutions to various workflow problems. They have been used 8,000-10,000 times.

(as of May 2021; based on URL shortener request count per tool)

Auto Ward Round Icon

Auto Ward Round

Converts handover lists into printable per-patient ward round templates.

Postnatal Discharge Tool Icon

Postnatal Discharge

Systematises complex information gathering for postnatal discharge checks.

Auto Med Chart Icon

Auto Med Chart

Click-and-print medication charts (proof of concept).

Stroke Discharge Tool Icon

Stroke Discharge Tool

Systematises complex information gathering when discharging stroke patients.

Induction of Labour Tool Icon

Induction of Labour Admission Tool

Checklist assessment and progress note generator, with inbuilt gestation calculator.

Outpatient Appointment Audit Tool Icon

Outpatient Appointment Audit Tool

Detects and prints a list of patients who have not had outpatient follow up booked.


Crystallisation Data Toolkit Icon

Crystallisation Data Toolkit

Browser-based tools for querying and visualising crystallisation data.

Ultrasound Acquisition Suite Icon

Ultrasound Data Acquisition Suite

Tools for acquiring and storing spatially-tracked ultrasound data.

MPI Study Icon

Frailty, Function, and Comorbidity Study

Longitudinal study of predictive power of the MPI frailty scale for outcomes in an ESRD cohort.


This section details extracurricular/personal projects and various Everin internal projects.

Year Book Icon

Year Book Graphical Design

Original design and typesetting of medical school graduation year book and event week.

Ingredient Chooser Icon

Ingredient Chooser

Used to nominate and randomly select ingredients for a dinner party tradition with friends.

Pandemic Response Icon

Pandemic Response

System design for a private general practice's pandemic response.

Volcano Island Simulation Icon

Board Game Simulation Tool

Random draw of game tiles and simulation of game mechanics across turns. Used to optimise proportions of tile types.

MSB EN Utility Icon

MBS EN Utility

Backbone of the MBSApp. Acts as data intermediary between raw MBS data and the edited database.

Article Publisher Icon

Article Publisher

Data manager and publisher for the MBSApp's dynamic news content.

Entity Model Tool Icon

Entity Model Tool

Tool to convert inhouse database markup language to the source code required to implement the schema in Entity Framework.

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