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Stroke Discharge Tool


Stroke Unit discharge documentation at a busy tertiary centre requires the collation of 100-150 data points from various sources.

A Microsoft Word template was being used, with a number of conditional sections that needed to be retained or deleted depending on the clinical situation. This approach to data entry was cumbersome and time consuming.


The existing Word template was operationalised as a browser-based tool which generates a discharge summary and compiles audit data.

Conditional sections are hidden until selected, and thus only the relevant input fields are shown.

Built-in popup help panels assist in finding some of the more elusive data points.



This tool improves the efficiency of preparing Stroke Unit discharge documentation, freeing up junior doctors for other duties. It promotes a higher standard of clinical record.


As of 2021 the Stroke Discharge Tool remains in continuous use at a tertiary hospital Stroke Unit (since release in 2018). The tool was updated in 2019, at which time it was adopted by a second tertiary centre Stroke Unit. It is estimated to have been used about 2,000 times.


Finding Data

Some of the information needed for discharge summaries can be difficult to find. With new junior doctors rotating through the unit every 3 months, these popup help panels provide timely assistance.

Stroke Specific Scales

Popup help panels are also available to provide quick reference for relevant scales and scores.

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